Personal website of Filipe Figueiredo Correia
My interests tend to focus on software design and architecture, and the use of eXtreme Programming practices to develop high quality software. My broader interests extend to the Web, mobile platforms, the scalability of software, and its usability.
I hold a PhD in Software Engineering. During my research I have approached topics such as Software Documentation, Software Forges, Adaptive Object-Models and Design Patterns. I’m currently a tech lead at ParadigmaXis and a researcher at the Software Engineering Group at FEUP. I’m also one of the founding organizers of the Agile Portugal conference and a member of the Hillside Group.
I’m organizing PLoP 2015.
@inproceedings{sousa_devops_2015, address = {Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania}, title = {{DevOps} Patterns for Software Orchestration on Public and Private Clouds}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs}, publisher = {ACM}, author = {Sousa, Tiago Boldt and Correia, Filipe Figueiredo and Ferreira, Hugo Sereno}, year = {2015} }
@phdthesis{correia_documenting_2015, address = {Porto}, type = {PhD Thesis}, title = {Documenting Software With Adaptive software Artifacts}, language = {English}, school = {University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering}, author = {Correia, Filipe Figueiredo}, month = jan, year = {2015}, }
@inproceedings{correia_patterns_2013, address = {Allerton, Illinois, USA}, title = {Patterns of Flexible Modeling Tools}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs}, publisher = {ACM}, author = {Correia, Filipe Figueiredo and Aguiar, Ademar}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{correia_documenting_2013, series = {{SPLASH} '13}, title = {Documenting Software Using Adaptive Software Artifacts}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th annual conference on Systems, programming, and applications: software for humanity}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Correia, Filipe F.}, year = {2013} }
@inproceedings{matsumoto_aom_2011, address = {Portland, Oregon, {USA}}, title = {{AOM} Metadata Extension Points}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs}, author = {Matsumoto, P. and Correia, F. F. and Yoder, J. and Guerra, E. and Ferreira, H. S. and Aguiar, A.}, year = {2011}, }
@inproceedings{correia_patterns_2011, address = {Portland, Oregon, {USA}}, title = {Patterns of Information Classification}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Ademar Aguiar}, year = {2011} }
@inproceedings{ferreira_core_2010, address = {Reno, Nevada, {USA}}, title = {Core Patterns of {Object-Oriented} {Meta-Architectures}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Hugo Sereno Ferreira and Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Joseph Yoder and Ademar Aguiar}, year = {2010} }
@article{ferreira_adaptive_2010, title = {Adaptive {Object-Models:} a Research Roadmap}, journal = {{IARIA} Journal}, author = {Hugo Sereno Ferreira and Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Ademar Aguiar and Jo\~{a}o Pascoal Faria}, year = {2010} }
@inproceedings{correia_supporting_2010, address = {New York, {NY,} {USA}}, series = {{SPLASH} '10}, title = {Supporting the evolution of software knowledge with adaptive software artifacts}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0240-1}, location = {{Reno/Tahoe,} Nevada, {USA}}, doi = {10.1145/1869542.1869588}, abstract = {The knowledge of software developers materializes itself as software artifacts, that may be seen at two different levels (information and structure), which are difficult to change independently from each other. This work explores how the expression of software knowledge using adaptive software techniques, may support the creation of adaptive software artifacts, to improve the effectiveness of capturing knowledge under constant evolution. Some work already exists in the context of the Weaki Wiki, which will be extended into a full environment supporting the creation and evolution of software artifacts beyond their initial form. We intend to validate this work experimentally.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ACM} international conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications companion}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Filipe Figueiredo Correia}, year = {2010}, note = {{ACM} {ID:} 1869588}, pages = {231{\textendash}232} }
@inproceedings{ferreira_design_2009, title = {Design for an Adaptive {Object-Model} Framework: An Overview}, url = {}, booktitle = {4th Workshop on Models@run.time at {MODELS} 09}, author = {Hugo Sereno Ferreira and Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Ademar Aguiar}, month = oct, year = {2009}, pages = {71--80} }
@inproceedings{correia_incremental_2009, address = {Orlando, Florida, {USA}}, title = {Incremental Knowledge Acquisition in Software Development Using a {Weakly-Typed} Wiki}, isbn = {978-1-60558-730-1}, doi = {10.1145/1641309.1641352}, abstract = {Software development is a knowledge-intensive activity and frequently implies a progressive crystallization of knowledge, towards programming language statements. Although wikis have proved very effective, for both collaborative authoring and knowledge management, it would be useful for knowledge acquisition to better support team awareness and the recognition of knowledge structures, their relations, and their incremental evolution. This paper presents Weaki, a wiki prototype especially designed to support incremental formalization of structured contents that uses weakly-typed pages and type evolution. Weaki was applied in academic settings, by students of Software Engineering Labs.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Hugo Sereno Ferreira and Nuno Flores and Ademar Aguiar}, month = oct, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{correia_software_2009, address = {Porto, Portugal}, title = {Software Knowledge Capture and Acquisition: Tool Support for Agile Settings}, isbn = {978-0-7695-3777-1}, doi = {10.1109/ICSEA.2009.85}, url = {}, abstract = {Knowledge plays a key role in software development, and the effectiveness of how it is captured into artifacts, and acquired by other team members, is of crucial importance to a project's success. The life-cycle of knowledge in software development is derived from the adopted artifacts, practices and tools. These axes are here reviewed from a knowledge capture and acquisition perspective, and several open research issues are identified. The present work is being carried out in the context of the author's doctoral research. The research objectives are derived from the presented open issues, and a research strategy is outlined. Some preliminary results are also presented.}, booktitle = {Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances}, author = {Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Ademar Aguiar}, month = sep, year = {2009}, pages = {542--547} }
@inproceedings{correia_patterns_2009, address = {Chicago, Illinois, {USA}}, title = {Patterns for Consistent Software Documentation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Programs}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Hugo Sereno Ferreira and Nuno Flores and Ademar Aguiar}, month = aug, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{silva_implementation_2009, address = {Lisbon, Portugal}, title = {An Implementation Model for Agile Business Process Tools}, author = {Ant\'{o}nio Rito Silva and David Martinho and Ademar Aguiar and Nuno Flores and Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Hugo Sereno Ferreira}, year = {2009} }
@inproceedings{ferreira_patterns_2008, address = {Nashville, Tennessee, {USA}}, title = {Patterns for Data and Metadata Evolution in Adaptive {Object-Models}}, isbn = {978-1-60558-151-4}, doi = {10.1145/1753196.1753203}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs}, publisher = {{ACM}}, author = {Hugo Sereno Ferreira and Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Leon Welicki}, month = oct, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{correia_extending_2008, address = {Porto, Portugal}, title = {Extending and Integrating Wikis to Improve Software Documentation}, author = {Filipe Figueiredo Correia}, month = sep, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{correia_trends_2008, address = {Porto, Portugal}, title = {Trends on Adaptive Object Model Research}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium on Informatics Engineering 2008}, publisher = {{FEUP}}, author = {Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Hugo Sereno Ferreira}, month = jan, year = {2008} }
@inproceedings{correia_geracao_2003, address = {Braga, Portugal}, title = {Gera\c{c}\~{a}o de Conte\'{u}dos para Plataformas M\'{o}veis}, booktitle = {Actas da {XATA2003,} {XML:} Aplica\c{c}\~{o}es e Tecnologias Associadas}, author = {Filipe Figueiredo Correia and Joel Varanda and Jo\~{a}o Correia Lopes and Alexandre Valente de Sousa}, month = feb, year = {2003} }
You've reached the personal website of Filipe Correia. Software Engineer and Researcher with an inclination to agile methods, design patterns, architecture, collaborative systems and information science.